
NOTE FOR STUDENTS IN THE US: I am a Title IX mandatory reporter for both MSU and Bard. If you experience harassment or assault, I strongly encourage you to contact the campus counseling services, not me. If you need help getting in touch with campus counseling services, I can help with that! As a mandatory reporter, I am legally obligated to report what you tell me to the college’s Title IX office, whereas the counseling services are able to provide confidentiality and are trained to mentally and emotionally support students.

January 2022: Citizen Science at Bard College

Program website | Bard students assigned to my section should visit the course Brightspace page

The goal of the Citizen Science program is to help students become scientifically literate, and teach them tools to be educated science consumers. Students in Data Analysis “Strand” explore how data impacts and shapes their everyday life. Drawing from real-word data sets, including cutting-edge research and current events, students analyze data and present findings that shed light on how complex systems shape the world around us. By the end of the program, students have a greater appreciation of how data drives the ways in which our society identifies and solves challenges. The Data Analysis Strand is for anyone interested in the theory of scientific practice and asking big questions. (I graduated from Bard in 2011!)

Nov-Dec 2021: School on Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning at IAA-CSIC

Program website

A week-long workshop for astronomy and astrophysics at all levels, students through researchers. We will cover statistics, data mining, and machine learning concepts. It will have a strong hands-on aspect and the participants will repeat and apply the lessons in practical exercises in Python and R. My list of coding resources may be useful in getting set up for this.

Fall 2021: “Visions of the Universe” (ISP-205-002) at MSU

Course catalog website | MSU students registered in the class should visit D2L

Astronomy is both the oldest science and a cutting-edge modern science.  This course, aimed at non-scientists, will cover the role of observation, theory, philosophy, and technology in the development of our modern conception of the universe. Topics include the Copernican Revolution, the solar system, birth and death of stars, spaceship Earth, galaxies, cosmology, and time.

Header photo by Alexa Hecksel. Read about my PhD ring here.